Wednesday 4 July 2012

Healthy Homemade Peanut-Butter-Banana Ice Cream

I have this bad habit of not taking a pic of the finished product, i found this on google.

Here's a healthier alternative to ice cream if you were having a sweet tooth and don't want those crazy amounts of empty calories. Using banana-nanas.

What you neeeeeeeed:.
  • bananas
  • cinnamon powder
  • peanut butter 
  • protein powder (optional)
 1. Chop them bananas to little pieces

2. Put in a container and into the freezer overnight

3.When it hardens, put them bananas in a food processor 

4. Add in the cinnamon and peanut butter (measurement is up to you, i usually put about 1 tsp of cinnamon and 2 tbsp of peanut butter), you may add protein powder if you want to.

5. Keep blending until you get that consistency that you want

You can actually put whatever you want in this, whether its strawberries, choco powder, blueberries, etc. If you don't want to eat "healthier" feel free to add in M&Ms, Snickers, Choco Sprinkles, cause those things are delicious.

Another thing to point out is to use a food processor, and to make sure your bananas are frozen and not mushy before you blend it, cause i realized that  you get a much better consistency, and it looks real preeeety.

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